Importance of Fashion Legislation
Threading Change Threading Change

Importance of Fashion Legislation

Legislation forces companies to shoulder the responsibility of ensuring their claims are genuine. Rather than allowing overambitious promises with no follow-up (greenwashing), legislation mandates accountability and compels companies to substantiate their promises with concrete actions.

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Fashion For Liberation
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Fashion For Liberation

Revolutionary movements and social upheavals have always been symbolized through garments. When we visualize the members of these movements, their attire is inseparable from our mental image. Within a collective, what we wear becomes a powerful tool for creating an identity for movements. Fashion has and continues to serve as a visible cry of protest against oppression and a declaration of liberation.

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2024 Fair Fashion Festival Events Recap
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2024 Fair Fashion Festival Events Recap

From April 24-28, 2024, we hosted our Fair Fashion Festival in honor of Fashion Revolution Week. This global series event brought together changemakers from around the world, all eager to drive change in the fashion industry. Check out how all of our global events went and how you can get involved!

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From Ideas to Action: Threading Change at Paris’ ChangeNow Summit
Threading Change Threading Change

From Ideas to Action: Threading Change at Paris’ ChangeNow Summit

From March 25th to 27th, Paris became a hub of hope and action as ChangeNow gathered visionaries at the Grand Palais Éphémère. They didn’t just discuss the planet’s future—they forged real change. . Sophia Yang, founder of Threading Change, attended the summit and explained how we are leading the charge in revolutionizing fashion through the circular economy. Discover practical ways to enact change, from hosting clothing swaps to advocating for legislative reform. This isn’t just an article—it’s a call to action for a cleaner, fairer world driven by passionate changemakers.

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Exploring Fashion’s Sustainable Future: Threading Change in Conversation with CBC
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Exploring Fashion’s Sustainable Future: Threading Change in Conversation with CBC

On April 11th, 2024, Aish Mann and Vinya Nadimpalli captivated audiences during their insightful interview at CBC, eloquently unveiling the profound environmental and social ramifications of fast fashion, while passionately advocating for legislative reform and collective action. Explore the intricate balance between the allure of bargains and the hidden costs of fast fashion in this enlightening article, delving into the pressing need for sustainable solutions and the transformative power of legislative action and grassroots movements in shaping a more ethical future for the fashion industry.

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SDG 13: Let’s Talk Climate Action
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SDG 13: Let’s Talk Climate Action

In this edition of the ThreadingChangeXSDGs we take a look at the connection that SDG 13 has to the fashion industry. With the GEF 7th Assembly being in Vancouver this week, where Threading Change is headquartered, fashion impacts on the environment and climate go hand in hand.

Increasing reports of extreme weather patterns and natural disasters. Biodiversity diminishing. Water scarcity and food insecurity. The vast effects of pollution and accumulating industrial emissions are felt all over the world daily. Climate change is a reality and the fashion industry is perhaps the least talked-about contributor to the crisis.

In a world where ‘buy more wear less’ culture reigns, how then, do we work to navigate and mitigate the increasing toll on the environment while still maintaining our sense of style? The #envison2030 goal for climate action and its associated list of targets seeks to explore this. Read on to learn more about this topic.

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SDG 12: Ensure Sustainable Consumption and Production Patterns
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SDG 12: Ensure Sustainable Consumption and Production Patterns

In this edition of the ThreadingChangeXSDG we take a look at the connection that SDG 12 has to the fashion industry and how it relates to this month's global campaign, Second Hand September!

This article dives into the many impacts of the “fashion industry that are already being felt on the environment and on the human communities living in the areas where there is industry presence and production is located.The first target of Sustainable Development Goal 12 is to achieve sustainable management and efficient use of natural resources. It is not only resource-demanding but also a high waste generating sector.”

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Reads of the Week Roundup
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Reads of the Week Roundup

We haven’t done our #ReadsOfTheWeek in a while! Here is a roundup of some of the things we have been reading lately!

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SDG 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities & SDG 15: Life on Land
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SDG 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities & SDG 15: Life on Land

In this special edition of the ThreadingChangeXSDG we take a look at the connection that SDG 11 and 15 have to the fashion industry and the connections that these SDGs share with one another.

This article dives into the many threats that the current fashion model imposes to life on land as well as how they inhibit local economies and communities to become sustainable and healthy spaces for people and the planet to thrive.

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SDG 10: Reduce inequality within and among countries
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SDG 10: Reduce inequality within and among countries

SDG 10 looks at many issues that the COVID-19 pandemic has exposed and deepened the wage crisis for garment workers, leaving them with struggles to access adequate housing, healthcare and healthy nutritious food. Globally, garment workers face wage theft, including more than $11 billion in the first year of the pandemic.

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SDG 9: Building Resilient Infrastructure, Inclusivity, Sustainable Industrialization and Innovation
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SDG 9: Building Resilient Infrastructure, Inclusivity, Sustainable Industrialization and Innovation

SDG 9 looks at many issues related to industry, innovation and infrastructure inequities when it comes to sustainable economic growth. Before the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, there were already key indications that many key infrastructures were crumbling. The COVID-19 pandemic has exposed the lack of workplace infrastructure and it has worsened with the climate crisis.

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Designing for Re-wilding
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Designing for Re-wilding

Rewilding is a lifestyle, social-environmental movement, and an embodied process and practice of understanding our roles as members of a greater ecosystem. It is a way of living and being which calls on each other to have a profound level of empathy for the land, people and resources.

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SDG 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth, and the Fashion Industry
Threading Change Threading Change

SDG 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth, and the Fashion Industry

Garment workers are exploited, underpaid, abused and used as commodities. There is an intricate linkage between SDG 8 and the fashion industry. The industry is built from a web of inequality and exploitation with retailers and corporations profiting from the endless growth and race to the bottom economies.

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Fashion for Healing: a Conversation with Scarabaeus Sacer
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Fashion for Healing: a Conversation with Scarabaeus Sacer

When it comes to fashion for a cause, ethical and sustainable fashion brand Scarabaeus Sacer (Scara-bay-os sacher) based in Egypt, has found a way to connect people through their advocacy on fashion for healing as they lead the conversation on why it is important to talk about mental health for the well-being of both people and the planet.

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SDG 6: Clean Water and Sanitation and the Fashion Industry
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SDG 6: Clean Water and Sanitation and the Fashion Industry

SDG 6: Ensure access to water and sanitation for all". There is increased access to clean drinking water and sanitation, but billions of people - including many indigenous communities - still lack these basic services. As well as many of our water systems are contaminated and world water resources are in an ecological crisis. Worldwide, 1 in 4 people (2 billion people) around the world lack safe drinking water (WHO/UNICEF 2021), and almost half of the global population (3.6 billion people) lack safe sanitation. (WHO/UNICEF 2021).

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SDG 5: Gender Equality and the Fashion Industry
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SDG 5: Gender Equality and the Fashion Industry

Gender equality is one of the most disused goals but there are still so many targets to reach in regards to eliminating the root causes of discrimination against women, transgender, non- binary and 2-spirit people that persists within the private and public spheres.

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