The Green Stitch Blog
New Year, Real Change.
Feeling the pressure to transform overnight? Popular culture tells us that a “happy new year” requires a total life overhaul, but what if real change doesn’t happen that way? In her latest blog, Rebekah challenges the “New Year, New Me” narrative and explores why meaningful growth—whether in our lives or in sustainable fashion—is all about taking small, intentional steps. Discover how embracing your past and making gradual shifts can lead to lasting impact. Ready to start your year with purpose? Read on for a refreshing perspective on resolutions, sustainability, and real change.
Breaking into Sustainable Fashion: Insights from Circularity Textiles Expert Charlotte Genge
“Circular fashion is about more than recycling.” Reuse and circularity expert Charlotte Genge dives into the importance of reuse, the role of policy, and practical tips for young professionals breaking into the sustainable fashion industry.
Shifting The Thrifting Mindset: Addressing Consumption
Can we really shop our way out of the climate crisis? Thrifting is often hailed as a sustainable solution, but can it truly combat overconsumption? In this article, we explore the reality behind secondhand shopping, its potential pitfalls, and how a shift in mindset could make thrifting a powerful tool for long-term change. Discover how your wardrobe can become a force for a better future.
Second-hand September: How The Gikomba Market Keeps Fashion Circular
Have you ever wondered how the vibrant world of second-hand fashion sustains itself? In Kenya, Gikomba Market is a hub where preloved clothes find new life. From the history of mitumba to the pulse of today’s thrift culture, our Africa Regional Manager, Chemitei Janet, dives into the circular economy that Secondhand September champions. This piece goes beyond the bales, exploring how shopping second-hand empowers communities and helps the planet.
Intergenerational Mending: Restoring Our Relationship with Clothes
Thoughts from the Khatsahlano Street Festival. The sun is out, a scorching 30 degrees and the cooling tent up the street from our booth is by far one of the most popular stops for the 150,000 people milling up and down West 4th St, enjoying the sights and sounds of the festival. In this heat, it only makes sense that our booth activity is… a blanket?
Importance of Fashion Legislation
Legislation forces companies to shoulder the responsibility of ensuring their claims are genuine. Rather than allowing overambitious promises with no follow-up (greenwashing), legislation mandates accountability and compels companies to substantiate their promises with concrete actions.
Fashioning Indigenous Identity and Resistance
Written by: Isabelle Sain, Communications Designer @ Threading Change
Editor: Sarah O’Rourke, Communications Manager @ Threading Change
[14-minute read]
Since first contact by settlers, Indigenous peoples, Trans, and 2spirit relatives have been made vulnerable through the appropriation of traditions and culture, and assimilation and forced displacement; both are continuous colonial strategies of extraction through cultural genocide.