The Green Stitch Blog

What Really Happens to Donated Clothes? And what can we do with them instead?
Threading Change Threading Change

What Really Happens to Donated Clothes? And what can we do with them instead?

Have you ever considered what happens to your clothes after you donate them? Or is it out of sight, out of mind? The truth is, we can't blame you. My wardrobe, just like that of many Kenyans who shop second hand, consists of clothes from all over the world. According to the 2018 United Nations Comtrade statistics, our clothes come from at least 20 countries with China, Pakistan, Canada, the UK, and the USA being at the top of our imports.

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Fashion and Colonialism: a Case Study of India
colonialism, fashion industry, garment workers, India Threading Change colonialism, fashion industry, garment workers, India Threading Change

Fashion and Colonialism: a Case Study of India

Written by: Caroleen Molenaar, Research and Content Coordinator

[7 minutes read]

The relationship between fashion industries and colonialism is deeply intertwined within history, and the present day. This blog post explores these relationships by using India’s past and present as a case study: from chintz to garment workers.

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